Transaction visibility and personal control
Comprehensive protection
Built in display displays transaction details
Built in buttons, single click verification
Two-factor authentication


Tendyron 2G PKI tokens are specially designed to safeguard online banking systems. Based on smart card technology and paired with Human-Interactive Peripheral (HIP) technology, Tendyron 2G PKI tokens protect against today’s threats including malware, Trojans, transaction manipulation, phishing, man-in-the-middle attacks, and social engineering.

Mobile PKI Token

Connect the Phone, Connect the World
Cross platform support
Based around HIP technology for maximum security
AEC supports more devices
Portable and convenient


Tendyron Mobile PKI tokens are specially designed for mobile banking security. With Audio encoding communication (AEC) technology, Tendyron connects a mobile device to our proven 2G PKI token defending against threats including malware, device theft, remote access, and unsecured wireless connections.